Xiaoz Chatbot API

Welcome To Xiaoz Chatbot API

Firstly, a huge thanks for considering Xiaoz Chatbot API for your project, we appreciate your interest!

This document covers the installation and usage of Xiaoz Chatbot API. It provides solutions to common problems and issues. If you have any questions beyond what's covered here, feel free to reach out to us. Thank you!

API Features

  • Simple and Easy Integration
  • Powered by Advanced AI Algorithms
  • Customizable Responses
  • Supports Multiple Platforms
  • Comprehensive Documentation
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility
  • Developer-Friendly

Xiaoz Chatbot API

Installing Xiaoz Chatbot API

  1. After obtaining access to Xiaoz Chatbot API, you'll receive a download pack containing all necessary files.
  2. You can integrate Xiaoz Chatbot API into your project easily. It works seamlessly across various platforms.
  3. The API is designed to be developer-friendly and can be customized according to your project requirements.
  4. For any assistance or queries during the installation process, refer to our comprehensive documentation.

API Structure

All information within the main content area is nested within a body tag. The general structure of Xiaoz Chatbot API is consistent throughout.


CSS Files and Structure

These are the CSS files loaded into Xiaoz Chatbot API.


Google Web Fonts

By default, Xiaoz Chatbot API loads fonts from Google Web Font Services, but you can customize it according to your preferences.



Remember to change the font in style.css

JavaScript Files and Structure

These are the JavaScript files loaded into Xiaoz Chatbot API.



Contact Form

This is a PHP Script for sending messages to your email.

                $to = 'your@email.com'; // Replace this with your email address
                $firstname = $_POST["fname"];
                $email= $_POST["email"];
                $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
                $headers .= "From: " . $email . "\r\n"; // Sender's Email
                $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";

                $message ='
'.$firstname.' '.$laststname.'
Email: '.$email.'
'; if (@mail($to, $email, $message, $headers)) { echo 'The message has been sent.'; }else{ echo 'failed'; }

Subscription Form

Replace this action with your own mailchimp post URL.


Video Tutorial

Source and Credit